
Tech Department

Our Technology Staff:

Our Technology Goals:

  1. D83 students will have access to the technology and connectivity necessary to participate in authentic and engaging learning opportunities.
    (See Current Access Data)

  2. By Spring 2023, 75% of teachers will report that they have created a project using technology daily, a few times a week, a few times a month, or every few months.
    (See Current Creativity Data)

  3. D83 students will demonstrate a love for reading and use research strategies to publish or present ELA or Math content for their intended audiences.
    (See Current Publishing Data)

Our Purpose:

The vision of Mannheim School District 83 is:  "All children can and will learn."  In connection with the district's vision, District 83's technology focus will work toward providing students with unlimited opportunities to attain high standards and prepare for tomorrow's workforce.  This will be accomplished by:

  • Instructional technologies will support our curriculum by providing students access to a wide variety of integration resources for analyzing, problem-solving, communicating, and fostering creativity while addressing diverse learning styles.

  • Telecommunication tools will support partnerships between Mannheim District 83 and others while encouraging students to become global, life-long learners.

  • Administrative technologies will improve the effectiveness of administrative tasks and also assist in students' ongoing assessment and data analysis.

  • Today's technologies may not adequately meet the needs of tomorrow's learners, therefore District 83 will continue to evaluate and upgrade within its means, current, emerging technology tools, and the district's infrastructure to support the needed learning environment.

Contact Tech Director:
Robert Junna
Director of Technology
Phone: (847) 455-3298
Fax: (847) 451-2703

Contact Webmaster:

21st century learning skills


chromebook & ipad


1:1 Technology Program

21st Century Learning Skills at District 83
The 21st Century skills are the abilities that today’s students need to be successful in their future careers. These skills include Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication. These skills are often referred to as the 4 C’s of learning. Mannheim School District 83 implements a 1:1 program where each student is issued a device to enhance their learning. Students in grades K-2 and Enger School are issued an iPad. Elementary students in grades 3-5 and Mannheim Middle School students are issued a Chromebook. By the use of these devices, students are able to extend their learning at home by building background knowledge, having access to literature/text, self-directed learning, writing, adaptive technology skill-building, and home-school connection. Devices are refreshed every few years. When possible, students are re-issued to the same device at the start of each school year. Upon the distribution of devices, students and parents learn and review device use and expectations, and parents sign an agreement that affirms their understanding and that they will follow expectations.

Daily Procedures
Students will bring their devices to and from school Monday through Friday. If a device has a protective case, the case must remain on the device at all times. When transporting the device to school and from school, it must be kept in the protective messenger bag. Students are expected to fully charge their devices daily at home in a central location, such as a kitchen, family room, or living room. When the device, charger, and messenger bag are brought back to school, it is expected that the device is fully charged so the student is able to learn without the disruption of having an unusable device. Students will keep their devices with them each weekend, extended weekends, holidays, winter break, and spring break.

Care for Devices
It is important for passwords and accounts to be kept private. Students should not share their accounts or passwords with other students. Devices should be protected from extreme heat, extreme cold, liquids, pets, & small children. Devices should not be left alone in an unattended vehicle or area. Devices should not be left on the floor, as they may become damaged that way. If a device becomes damaged, the technology department needs to be notified immediately. Technology support contact information for damaged devices may be found on the website.


The district has content filters in place for all devices issued to students whether they are at home or at school. This filter enables safeguarding against harmful websites while providing access to a powerful educational experience. Parents are expected to supervise their children when they are using a district device. It is recommended that students use the device when they are in a central location, rather than an unsupervised area, such as their bedroom. All users of district accounts and devices should adhere to the Mannheim School District 83 Acceptable Use Policy. Users must adhere to SOPPA (The Student Online Personal Protection Act), a law that protects the sharing of privacy of personally identifiable information (PII) for students. Users must not share student PII with any service provider including websites and educational platforms unless those resources have been approved for use at District 83. The complete list of approved websites and educational platforms is available on the website. Parents are expected to create a free account with Bark, the district’s approved monitoring program, to monitor their child’s school-issued accounts and receive notifications. Parents should accept the email invitation from Bark to activate their free accounts. Parents are expected to respond to alerts from Bark by directly addressing any issues that arise while using school-issued accounts.

Device Insurance/Loss or Damage/Accident Fee

Parents will be provided with information annually regarding insurance options for their child’s device. Insurance plans are not required, but they are an option for families to protect their child’s device if accidental damage occurs. The insurance plans are through a district-approved 3rd party vendor, and the district may receive special pricing to offer their service. The cost of insurance changes annually, so parents should refer to the district website to access current pricing.

Mannheim School District 83 reserves the right to charge the full cost for repair or replacement when loss or damage occurs, due to negligence, misuse, or abuse, as determined by the administration. Examples of negligence, misuse, or abuse include, but are not limited to: Leaving equipment unattended and unlocked, including damage or loss resulting from the unattended and unlocked device while at school, lending equipment to others, using equipment in an unsafe environment or manner, loss/damage beyond reasonable wear & tear, and not keeping records or documentation of borrowed equipment to determine the person responsible for loss or damage.

Accident Fee without Insurance:
If a family has decided to not purchase insurance and a device becomes damaged, if an administrator has determined the damage was accidental and NOT the result of negligence, misuse, or abuse, the family will pay the following fees: The first accidental incident results in a fee of up to $50. The second accidental incident results in a fee of up to $100. The third and subsequent accidental incidents result in a fee of up to $150. Parents will not be issued a fee for the following types of incidents: Stolen device (As long as a police report is submitted to the District 83 Technology Department within 24 hours), mechanical failure, electrical surge, natural disaster, or fire (As long as a fire report is submitted to the District 83 Technology Department).

In order to use district-issued devices, families are expected to obtain Internet service with the ability to connect Wi-Fi-enabled devices at home. Various programs are available to assist families in need of support. You may research various programs to support your needs at home.

The Mannheim School District 83 Technology Department understands that technical difficulties occur from time to time. The website has a troubleshooting page where families may go to find support for common problems. Families who need additional support, or who need to report damage or loss to equipment may complete a support ticket using their child's Google credentials in the Incident IQ system. The Technology Department will use these requests to arrange for loaners and plan for a speedy solution to the problem.

D83 K-8 Student Expectations for 1:1 Device Use

D83 students have an amazing opportunity to use 1:1 laptops, iPads, and Chromebooks in the classroom. This is a great responsibility and privilege. Below you will find guidelines for using these great technology tools. Students unable to follow these guidelines will face disciplinary action, which may include losing access to the technology.

Daily Procedures:

  • Students will bring the charged devices to/from school each day

  • Students will store devices on assigned carts when the device is not needed

  • Students will return borrowed devices to the correct cart


  • Read and follow the District 83 Acceptable Use Policy

  • Only use your assigned laptop/iPad/Chromebooks

  • Close laptop/iPad/Chromebook before carrying it. Hold the device with two

    hands and walk slowly and carefully

  • Place laptop/iPad/Chromebook directly on the desk without hanging over the


  • Make sure hands are clean and dry at all times when using


  • Ask for permission before printing

  • Return the laptop/iPad/Chromebook to the correct slot on the cart

  • Notify your teacher immediately if you discover a problem (accidental or


  • Keep laptop/iPad/Chromebook & case clean and free of markings or stickers

    that are not approved by the district

  • Read and understand the D83 K-8 1:1 Student Consequence sheet

Do Not:

  • Put the device on the floor (even when in its case)

  • Leave devices unattended

  • Place objects (pencils, pens, calculators) on the keyboard or screen

  • Put objects (pencils, pens, objects) inside any of the ports

  • Put materials (pencils, pens, paper, other items) inside the cases

  • Use devices near liquids or food

  • Change settings on the device

  • Write on the case

  • Download anything without permission

  • Take devices into unauthorized areas (pool, bathroom, etc.)

D83 K-8 1:1 Student Consequence Sequence

Device Off-task Behavior Examples:

  • Not following instructions or lessons

  • Off-task reading

  • Working on other homework/assignments

  • Checking grades during directed class time

  • Playing games at inappropriate times or places

  • Failing to meet the posted expectations

Prohibited Action Examples:

  • Playing non-approved video games

  • Shopping

  • Viewing YouTube or other videos (unless assigned by your teacher)

  • Improper use of email/chatting (no personal email)

  • Downloading (games, apps, programs, extensions)

  • Use of laptop’s/iPad’s/Chromebook’s camera during class

  • Using earbuds without permission or during instruction

  • Inappropriate searches against district policy

  • Deleting search/download history

  • Using incognito mode

  1. First Offense: Warning

  2. Second Offense: Detention with parent signature

  3. Third Offense: Call home, detention, and lose computer for rest of day

  4. Fourth Offense: Call home, lose computer 2 days, must stay after school or come

    before school to finish work

  5. Fifth Offense: Referral to office, call home from Admin, and lose device privileges

    for a week

  6. Sixth Offense: Parent conference with admin & teacher/s, and discussion of


• A severe first offense may result in an immediate parent conference and consequence.