#S83shines media specialists at #IDEAcon 2022. Ready for a day filled with digital citizenship and other great topics.

Our SEL leaders of #D83shines here for a day of learning at #IDEAcon 2022

#D83shines TLCs and Tech Director attend #IDEACON 2022. Day 1 is with an SEL theme!

Dedicated #D83shines new teachers going deep into @ThinkingMaps with trainer Danielle Hervas.

#D83Shines D83 is hosting the vaccination clinic again this Saturday! CCDPH is putting on a COVID-19 vaccination clinic at MMS from 10am - 2pm on Saturday, 1/29/2022. More info here: https://5il.co/14qmb

#D83Shines Don't forget about tomorrow's vacination clinic! CCDPH is putting on a COIVD-19 vaccination clinic at MMS from 10am - 2pm tomorrow, 1/8/2022. More info here: https://5il.co/12spc

#D83shines Mr. Junna shared his immigration story with the Roy School 4th graders. They are a great group of students!

#D83shines BPAC is hosting an SEL parent virtual workshop next Tuesday, December 14th from 6-7 pm in Spanish. Our presenter will be Ms. Rosario Hernandez from the Latino Policy Forum. GoogleMeet link: https://meet.google.com/tdo-xvsm-rzu

#D83shines administrators kicking off #HourOfCode with @Sphero #indi and learning about all our #coding #robots & programs.

#D83shines Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It’s everything Mannheim School District, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/3jbmU7X or iPhone:

#D83shines See this updated flyer for an exciting opportunity to work in Mannheim School District 83! ¡Vea este folleto para una oportunidad emocionante de trabajar en el Distrito Escolar 83 de Mannheim!

#D83shines science teachers meeting to review the science curriculum to make a recommendation for next year. Thanks for all your hard work!

#D83shines TLCs, TLS, Student Data Specialist, & Tech Secretary meet the administrative team in Administrative Council.

#D83shines new teachers learning about student growth and the ECRISS platform @ecragroup. A very engaged group of educators learning how to analyze data

#D83Shines starting Nov.1st, bussing for elementary early morning band, orchestra, and chorus is canceled due to a bus driver shortage. Parents must follow: https://bit.ly/3nENXZH. Read entire article: https://www.d83.org/article/574118.

#D83shines reading tutors getting trained by @jollyliteracy on@JollyPhonics

Our #D83shines science teachers are reviewing various programs to recommend a new science curriculum that the district will adopt. Thank you science committee!

Coming soon to your primary students... @Sphero Indi. #D83shines technology coaches and specialist just unboxed our new robot friends @Sphero Indi. Thanks @D_Vanderploeg for meeting with us to unbox these new robots this morning. Lucky to be 1 of the 1st to get these!

The PDF calendar for the school year has been updated to include a second page of a few important meetings and dates. Check it out here: https://www.d83.org/browse/182401

We've set up a list of a few common questions for new and returning students! Please take a minute to visit the new page here: https://www.d83.org/page/welcome-to-district-83